Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Venture turned 100K today! That deserves a suitable tribute....Every biker can relate to the special bond that exists between bike and rider. A biker takes care of their bike because the bike takes care of you. Bikers think the best of their machine because it brings out the best in them. There is nothing more wasteful than a bike trapped in a garage. A bike and rider are meant to roam proud and free. The Venture has carried me over mountains in BC and Montana that touch the sky; through the grand valleys of the Applications and South Dakota where the contours of the land give shape to roads that seem to exist for bikers alone. We have ridden the great plains of Canada and felt the cool winds of oceans, lakes and streams. The readiness of the Venture to press on through 100K of heat and storm and deliver me safely to still more amazing lands is a privilege recieved. We are one in the brotherhood, shared in each passing wave and the treasured memories that await all bikers around every turn. Neil

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to all the bloggers... I so enjoyed logging in each day to read about your adventures... talk about living vicariously! Glad to have you home safe and sound and to get "live and in person" hugs from both of my baby brothers today.

    You guys all did a great job with this site. It was impressive!
