Monday, June 15, 2009

Random Thoughts from the trip... Ian

I prefer to measure speed and distance in miles.

Old farm implements - combines, tractors, etc. - sitting on the edge of properties... on display for travellers.

Oil well pumps on properties in MT and ND. Almost all of them looked like they had just been installed. Every drop counts.

Bumper stickers... 'Idaho's No. 1 Poacher - Canadian Wolves'... I removed my toque and walked away with a hayseed 'tude.

Bitch Creek Beer... that would be Bitch Crick Beer.

I need to start doing back stretching exercises.

Montana is the state I would want to re-visit soon.

Day time running lights... c'mom America, get that going!

The U.S. have far more roads than they need... but it works well for travellers like us.

Ontario has good roads... well designed... but it's shameful that Hwy. 17 and 69 are not 4 lane from the Sault east and south. Yeah, they're working on it but come on... it should have been completed 40 years ago.

Speed limits in the U.S. are posted realistically. In non-urban areas, most cars travel at the posted speed or slightly below. In Ontario, everyone travels at least 10 kms/hour above posted.

Wildlife sightings - Bear, Bald Eagle, Coyote, Elk, Bison, Deer

The boys in MT and ND drive big pick-ups.

If you think you live in the middle of nowhere, visit Montana.

Deer don't look both ways.

I really enjoy riding mountain passes (tight and twisty) but me and my bike prefer roads that follow rivers and lakes (faster and sweeping).

Electric vest and heated hand grips... I couldn't have survived without them. They are an absolute must for distance riding on a bike like mine.

My bike ran really well. Thanks to Vance, Melanie and the boys in the back at Precision Cycle Works.

We had a great trip... met a bunch of really nice people everywhere... ate some great food in places I wouldn't normally step foot in...

Best Western Motels were great value for the money. We stayed in 3 over the two weeks. Always clean and comfortable and included a conny in the morning. Just enough to get us through to a lunch stop.

Energy drinks work well... honourable mention to 5 Hour Energy shots to eliminate the early afternoon yawns... no side effects or crash later. And what's wrong with a sugar-free Red Bull after breakfast.

Maintaining facial hair is a PIA! The goat is gone.

No hockey fans in the north plains... all Red Wing fans in Michigan. Boohoo for them.

The new net-book was great on the road. Having easy access to the Internet made next day ride planning much easier and allowed for regular communications with home... web-cams are cool!

Neil and Glenn. Thank you!

See you soon Eric. I have a few photos to show you.

That's all for now.

Thank you for following along. As Ann, our favorite cook, reminded us... 'it's all about the journey, not the destination'


1 comment:

  1. I loved Montana - "grew up there" in the summer of 1982 - long story. I loved the place because it had the roads, rivers, mountains, wildlife - even the Hotels were spectacular and made of giant trees - Unique is the only way to describe it - you only see Big Sky country in Montana - you don't get it until you go there.

    Nice ride Guys!
